Bitcoin has been in a civil war for several years and we are trying to fix what’s broken in this crypto world by telling you clearly what bitcoin is, how it can help you and where it will take you!
BSV (BCHSV) is the ticker symbol when you need to purchase or sell it on an exchange and stands for BitCoin Satoshi Vision.
JoinBSV is a portal where you can understand bitcoin as it was meant to be understood; as utilized and become a valuable ledger for all people in the world. We are building and maintaining the biggest and most updated directory of every Bitcoin listed companies, events, products, services, jobs and a lot more for everyone to discover and enjoy.
JoinBSV was created out of a need in the BSV space. For 3 years there was no emerging platform where businesses and customers could find each other in an easy or meaningful way. Most BSV businesses was partially connected through their own small groups of islands and missed out on synergy opportunities that only a well planned portal would have been able to help them with.
We’re here to help each individual company and user to grow their adoption of BSV and find utility opportunities between them that makes any competitors outside bitcoin want to join in!
When one is together on a portal, one is also in competition with each other and this creates massive opportunities for the consumers and businesses needs to expand rapidly on consumer movements in this market! This is what we’re all about, to make our listed companies etc. better by making them completely exposed!
I would like to thank everyone who has signed up for our founders listing and everyone who has put their belief in me to deliver them a directory that aims to make waves far beyond the existing world of crypto!
Thank you for using JoinBSV and I hope you find the tools or the competitive push needed to make your life and everyone else’s lives better through us!